Law Center for Development
Graduate School of Law, The National Institute of Development Administration
Upon being a well-known and accepted educational institution among the public and private sectors. legal professional organizations, including the civic engagement initiatives outside the institute, the Graduate School of Law not only gives education to our law students, but also insightfully provides academic services to serve both public and private organizations as well as any social community effectively. The focus is on applying a body of legal knowledge derived from legal concepts, theories, and principles that arise from comparative studies of various legal systems. Such body of knowledge can be used as a database for research studies leading to legal development whereby law is a mechanism and a tool for sustainable national development under good governance, the legal state, and the rule of law. This can lead to solving social problems accurately and in accordance with the problematic social contexts in the dimension of both domestic relations and international relations.
Highly Qualified Faculty Members Specializing in Various Legal Fields
It is accepted that law is a mechanism and a tool for sustainable national development under good governance, the legal state, and the rule of law, which can lead to solving social problems accurately and in accordance with the problematic social contexts in the dimension of both domestic relations and international relations. In this regard, the Graduate School of Law has highly qualified faculty members specializing in various legal fields who can provide training courses for legal knowledge creation and expertise expansion in both public and private organizations as well as the interested general public who want to develop a body of legal knowledge as a strong base of career advancement.
Opportunities for Law Students to Practice Their Skills and Gain Professional Law-related Experience
The Graduate School of Law deems it necessary to have a center where its students can have certain opportunities to practice skills and gain experience in the legal professions that require rigorous practical procedures in addition to the erudition and body of knowledge gained from classroom study. This can enable the students to effectively integrate their knowledge gained from hands-on practice with formal classroom education, and also give them various pre-employment benefits that they can later apply in their future careers after graduation.
- To undertake the responsibility of enhancing legal understanding through research, leading to the modification of existing laws or offering legal recommendations to various entities, both public and private sectors. This includes the study of comparative law and legal translation.
- To serve as a reservoir of legal knowledge, fostering the advancement of legal ideologies and theories with the aim of enriching the expertise of officials and enlightening the general public.
- To spearhead legal training initiatives, fostering knowledge and honing skills for the correct and just application of the law.
To be a widely recognized academic service center for law that is operated on the basis of knowledge integration.