Effective Management of Co operative Businesses (Co - ops): Significant Remarks and Legal Perspectives
About the Program
Title of Certificate Course
Effective Management of Co operative Businesses (Co - ops):
Significant Remarks and Legal Perspectives
Rationale and Purpose
A cooperative is an organization founded to further the economic and social interests of its members through self-help and mutual support, adhering to cooperative principles. The establishment of a cooperative have to comply with cooperative law as enshrined in the Cooperative Act B.E. 2542, as amended (No. 3) B.E. 2019. This legislation has continually evolved in response to the many issues frequently encountered in cooperative management, issues that consistently find their way into media reports. These complications may originate from various levels of cooperative operation, from the committee, directors, and managers, to the cooperative officers themselves. Furthermore, the auditing systems in place often exhibit deficiencies, especially concerning financial audits, which contribute to these issues. A particular area of concern is the neglect or outright avoidance of legal procedures, as well as the presence of vulnerabilities or oversights in the regulation of savings cooperatives and credit unions, entities that function much like traditional financial institutions. These problems frequently lead to wide-reaching consequences for a substantial portion of the cooperative's membership. Other prevailing issues, including operational inefficiencies, prevent cooperatives from achieving their foundational objectives and intended operational scope. Cumulatively, these diverse challenges have eroded trust in the cooperative system. This distrust has catalyzed initiatives to revise and enhance the governing laws, aiming to foster the cooperative system's development, safeguarding, and stability while addressing the escalating severity and complexity of contemporary challenges.
In light of these issues, Graduate School of Law has introduced the course “Effective Management of Co operative Businesses (Co - ops) : Significant Remarks and Legal Perspectives” This short course aims to equip participants with a thorough understanding of the cooperative system's fundamental principles, emphasizing the benefits this system brings to Thai society. The course covers laws pertinent to cooperatives, including common operational practices that could potentially harm members. Participants will also gain critical legal insights into both administrative and criminal cases associated with cooperative endeavors. This understanding is invaluable for those who serve as cooperative facilitators or regulators, empowering them to perform their duties with increased caution, adherence to legal standards, and optimal efficiency.
- To furnish participants with an extensive understanding of the foundational principles of the cooperative system, its purpose, the benefits it offers to Thai society, and the legal framework overseeing the establishment, functioning, and scrutiny of cooperatives.
- To enlighten participants on the root causes of issues within cooperatives, while offering significant legal insights and observations concerning administrative and criminal cases related to cooperative activities.
- To enable participants to apply their knowledge and crucial legal insights when addressing operational matters, ensuring they undertake their cooperative responsibilities legally and with utmost efficiency.
Course Content
- Core principles underlying the establishment of a cooperative and the advantages this system presents to Thai society.
- Laws related to the establishment, operation, and inspection of cooperatives, to be utilized in managing the cooperative efficiently
- Important legal perspectives and observations in administrative and criminal cases related to cooperative operations..
Course target groups
Executives, directors, managers, staff within cooperatives, cooperative members, and any individuals with a general interest in cooperative enterprises.
Course certification
To earn a certificate from the National Institute of Development Administration (NIDA), trainees must attend at least 80% of the total training duration.
Contact details
- Lakkana Onlom. Tel: 0-2727-3712 /080-5048524
- Nuttaya Jareeyanugul. Tel: 0-2727-3664 /083-5363616